5 “Bible Verses” That Aren’t Even In The Bible

  • God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path
  • But sometimes we think we’ve got the million candle flashlight of the Word
  • And all we really have is dinky LED light of human wisdom instead.

God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. But sometimes we think we’ve got the million candle flashlight of the Word, and all we really have is dinky LED light of human wisdom instead. When we start swapping out humanistic ponderings for the truth found in Scriptures, we end up having a light that’s more of a strobe light than anything else. Flashes of truth mixed in with disorienting darkness. That’s not a guiding light that is sure and stable, by any means. Here’s 5 Bible verses that aren’t even in the Bible, but are often quoted as being “God’s honest truth” just the same:

More than You Can Handle

“God won’t give you more than you can handle”.- The actual verse that this stems from is in 1 Cor 10:13, and it says you will not be tempted beyond your ability. Sometimes we have things on our plate that are, quite frankly,far too heavy to bear. Perhaps there’s something in our lives that we’re having a hard time handling. When those moments come (and they most assuredly will)- it’s vital to remember God didn’t necessarily place them there in the first place. Some things can only be chalked up to living in a dark, dank, fallen world.


“Pride goes before a fall” – This is often said when someone we know gets a little too big for their britches. The actual verse contains much stronger language, though. Proverbs 16:18 says “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” This one is close, but that added bit about destruction certainly sounds much more foreboding.


“Cleanliness is next to godliness” – Noted clean freak John Wesley coined this phrase. It’s solid advice, and will certainly help you remember where you placed your car keys, but it’s not found in any of the books of the Bible.

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child

“Spare the rod, spoil the child” – This almost makes the cut – the real verse is Proverbs 13:24 and it says “The one who spares the rod is the one who hates his son”. There’s a massive difference between spoiling your kiddo and actually hating him, isn’t there? This isn’t to imply that your neighbors children won’t also be spoiled, but Scripture just doesn’t back you up in when you say so.

A Lender nor a Borrower

“Be not a lender, nor a borrower” – This is the work of Shakespeare, not St. Paul. It’s from Hamlet, not Hebrews – but it’s still darn good advice.

READ ALSO: How Old Was Mary When She Had Jesus?

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